I was attending the re-opening of the "Stonehenge" rock formations, after it had been closed for a year due to renovations. Apparently I was there for more than just a visit, though, as I was sitting on top of one of the rocks - smashing it with a big stone in order to crack it. I had split one of the big rock displays nearly in two before I hopped down from the top and began to walk around with a small tour group.
We all walked by the big stone that I had cracked, but nobody said anything about it, and I was a bit disappointed. Our tour continued away from the Stonehenge formation and into a foggy field that was full of skulls and human bones. (It was getting dark now, and the field was thick with fog - making it hard to see more than ten or twenty feet in front of us.) We made our way across the field, stepping on and crunching the human bones, until we made it to an abandoned cement building. Our guide told us that we were crossing into Michigan now, and most of them had made their way into the building before I became stuck on some of the bones we were walking on.
There was a good deal of water on the ground, and I had accidently stepped on a partially submerged skeleton and had gotten my pantleg caught on one of the rib bones. Someone grabbed my hand and helped pull me off of the bones and into the building. We entered through a basement door, and once inside we had to cross the basement (which was chest high in water and decayed bodies) in order to get to another floor. I commented to another person in the tour about how disgusting it was, being in that water, since it appeared that dozens of bodies had decayed in it - almost making a "soup" of stinky death.
We made it through the flooded basement and up into one of the other rooms, when it was now only me and one other person taking the tour. As we rounded a corner, we saw two human heads (one male, one female) floating in the distance, arguing with each other. They were slightly transparent, as if ghosts - but with no bodies. I began shouting at the floating heads, and they heard me and approached us through a narrow hallway connecting the rooms that we were in. The heads floated right up to us, and despite them still arguing with each other and looking at us ocassionally, it seemed as if they were in another "realm" and didn't really notice that we were there. Despite my best efforts to talk to them, they remained unaware of our presence.
We moved on, and upstairs into one of the top floors of the abandoned house - where we ran into Heather, one of my wife's friends. She opened the door to what looked like a laundry chute, in order to let us out of the house. We slide through the door and down some stairs into a kitchen. We had now left the abandoned house, and were in a house where people were milling about, preparing for a wedding. We left without anyone paying us much attention at all.