I was having dinner with some friends at a mall, sitting in the food court, when one of them offered me some fried chicken. Not particularly caring for fried chicken, I only took some of the crunchy skin and ate it. Shortly after this, I heard a voice above me ask "would you like some more chicken?" I replied that I didn't, thinking that there was a waitress behind me or something - but then I realized the voice came from one of the speakers that were hanging above our heads. It turns out that all of these speakers hanging from the ceiling, normally playing mall music... they all had microphones in them. Any conversations that people were having at their tables were being heard by "someone" in the mall offices. This creeped me out, so I grabbed my bag (which contained flavored water, and two jugs of milk that had been sitting out for a day) and left.
I went into the parking lot to look for my car, but I had forgotten where I parked. I was wandering around for a few minutes before I came across a bunch of kids playing football. It was dark now, so they really couldn't see what they were doing - and one kid through the ball way past his buddy and it landed near me. My hands were full, but I put down my stuff and tossed the ball back to them. They did that same thing one more time, but this time one of their friends came to get the ball - and in the process, he dropped a FRS radio that he was carrying. I picked it up, cuz I was gonna keep it, but as I was getting ready to walk away someone called his name on it - so he heard, and I had to give it back.
I cut through some trees and began looking for my car again, only to have someone else stop me. A few rows away, there was a big SUV sitting with one of it's doors open, a girl inside yelling "Hey Bob! Hey Bob!" (This is weird too, mostly because nobody calls me "Bob" anymore.) I walked over and saw that it was Pam, one of my good friends from back in high school. I was surprised to see her, so I asked what she was doing in the area. She was riding around in this big SUV full of hippie looking people, but she wasn't dressed like one of them. I got in the truck with her and we started talking... she told me about how she isn't married anymore, because her husband died a few months earlier. The dream just ended there... lame.