I was standing on the porch of our old house on Hubert Ave. I could hear the phone ringing in one of the nearby houses, and I also noticed the smell of smoke in the air. I walked over to the house where the phone was ringing, and I saw that on the front porch there was an unattended grill, cooking biscuits that were burnt and almost ready to catch fire.
I banged on the screen door of the porch, but nobody would answer. The phone continued to ring, so I assumed that either nobody was home - or someone was inside hurt. I went ahead and opened the screen door and went onto the porch to turn off the grill and pour water on the biscuits. Just as I did that, a big fat man came lumbering out of the house and onto the porch... yelling at me about breaking into his house. I hurried back outside, trying to explain how I had only gone into his porch in order to keep his house from catching fire - but he wasn't interested in hearing that.
I was trying to hurry back to our house, and as I looked back at the fat man's house, I saw an evil clown looking out of the bedroow window at me. It was yelling and chanting something... but I wasn't able to tell what, since I was hurrying to get away. I made it to our back steps, but I could hear that the clown had come out of the fat man's house and was making his way over to ours. It was yelling and chanting the whole way.
It cornered me at the top of the stairs near the back door, and despite my knocking to get in - nobody would unlock it for me. The clown started to come up the stairs to get me, but luckily I was able to keep kicking it in the face every time that it got high enough that its head was level with my foot. I did this repeatedly until its whole face (I'm talking the actual face, not just the clown makeup) finally got smeared away by the continued kicking.