It was late in the evening and I was in a shopping mall. Specifically some sort of games shop, where they were selling new video game cartridges for the C64 computer on an endcap near the front of the store. They weren't the right size or shape, but that's what they were labeled as. I even opened up one of the small boxes after shaking it, to see what exactly was inside. It was supposed to be some sort of driving game, but the cartridges were actually memory cards - and there were several extras inside, so I attempted to buy the box since someone had stuffed it with other titles.
Before that could happen I found myself in the aisles of Lancaster Sales and the store was obviously closed for the night, and I ran into a woman near the back who had been cleaning the aisles. While she continued sweeping the floor she motioned to the things she had placed on a table, and in broken english she told me that I could take something if I wanted to. It was a table full of alarm clocks, one which was made of wood. I took that one, because I knew that Cassi actually needed an alarm clock.
When I walked back into the aisles of Lancaster Sales, I noticed that the first rack of stuff was actually filled with all of the unusual or rare toys that I liked as a child and teen, pre-owned and loose. There were Transformers, some obscure MASK toys, along with other things that I couldn't identify but knew as familiar and beloved from my past. The store was closed, so I did what any bad person would do and started selecting things from the shelves that I was going to take home with me.
Before I could get very far with that I heard some noises coming from the front of the store. I ducked down and started sneaking towards the front... and as I was doing so, I realized that every shelf in the store was actually filled with used items from the past, things that different people, for one reason or another, would find precious. Along the front wall of the store, I actually stopped and started picking items from "someone else's" shelf. Various weird collectibles, little stuffed Big Bird dolls, some different strange coins... but again, before I could complete my shopping, more noises were heard from the front. This time it was gun shots.
Now there were actually more secret shoppers in the store, so we stayed crouched down and began meeting up with each other to figure out how we were going to stop the people with guns from taking over the store. The only lights that were on were the emergency exit lights and the light that was coming in the front from the parking lot lights, so it was easy enough to stay hidden, but also difficult to see the gunmen.
It quickly turned into chaos though, as one of us somehow found a car inside the building and began driving like a madman... running into each of the gunmen one at a time, slowly turning the tide in favor of our side... but most of us were still stuck in the back of the store. At this point, back in one of the break rooms, quite a few of us were back there and I was noticed by Amy Pond (from Doctor Who) who was sitting on top of a pool table. She started coming towards me, wanting to make out, because she said that it had already happened before, so it wouldn't be a bad thing now. Apparently I was now the most recent regeneration of The Doctor, but I told her that it was actually Ten or Eleven that she made out with, and pointed out that they were (somehow) also in the room if she still wanted them.
I then began working on what was apparently some sort of device that could transport us out of the store, which was actually a large flat box of cooked rice and shellfish. Or at least it was supposed to be. As I was moving the rice around, trying to prepare the device, I noticed that half of the box actually had ramen noodles where the rice was supposed to be, and exclaimed how it was no wonder that none of the Doctors could get it working.
Many of us left the break room at that point and made a dash towards the front of the store... and we saw the person in the car still driving around, knocking things over, killing the people with guns... and as we continued to run and hide or fight, someone yelled that we should just leave, because the people with guns had all been chased into the store or killed, and the front doors were unblocked and unlocked and there was no reason that any of us needed to stay in the store any longer.