Sunday, February 26, 2006

House Shopping

I was going around Millersport, checking out houses that I was interested in buying. My aunt was showing different places to me, and one of them was the house I grew up in while I was in my elementary school years. We went inside and saw that it had been totally remodeled since I had lived there, with several of the walls and doorways having been moved or changed. The large furnace vent in the middle of the living room was gone now as well. I instinctively went to check out the smaller bedroom first, which was originally my bedroom, before I realized that this would be MY house now and I could have the big bedroom. While we were looking around, I kept hearing knocking at the front door. We both just seemed to ignore it though, as neither of us never went to see who it was or why they were knocking.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Squirtman on Law & Order

I was watching TV at my grandma's house, when Law and Order came on... and Squirtman was one of the actors on it. The scene started with SquirtFlirt, who had some form of mental retardation, doing some sort of skit. It continued with Squirtman ( ) in his trademark american flag jacket being interrogated by some detectives at a police station. I didn't watch much more than that, instead I went around to the friends in the house saying "I didn't know he was on Law and Order! He didn't even call me! When did this all go down?" and such.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Celebrity Women

I was sitting on the couch one evening with the girls that play "Summer" and "Marissa" on The OC. We were in some ratty house, just watching some sort of TV show or movie. I commented Summer that I liked her eye-shadow, but wondered why she was all dressed up when were just gonna hang around the house and watch TV. Marissa looked over at us and rolled her eyes, as if I said something stupid... and just then her mom came in and started bitching at us. She was yelling at me, saying that I shouldn't be hanging around with people like her daughter, and that I just needed to leave.

I did, but only to the other room, where Lisa Loeb was also sitting there watching TV. She was watching episodes of her Number One Single TV show, apparently watching herself to see what she liked and didn't like about the show. I sat down next to her as the "butt shot" part of one of the episodes was shown. We laughed about it, and I told her that she was crazy for doing that, and she replied that she was just feeling goofy at the time, and that she can't believe it herself that she did that.