Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Lancaster NASCAR Race

I showed up at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds to participate in a late night NASCAR Nextel cup race. I hadn't driven in the series before, so I was nervous about getting out on the track and at least staying out of everyone's way. I arrived late, so cars were already practicing on the track before I had even gotten in my car. When I did, I noticed that Bobby Labonte was sitting in the back seat. He was already suited up and had his helmet on, so I just put on my helmet and my little radio headset for communications. I keyed the mic and asked if Bobby could hear me, but my crew chief said that he couldn't. Apparently he wasn't there to help me really... he was just along for the ride.

We made our way onto the track, but I went out going the wrong direction. Bobby seemed to have at least partial control of the car, because I told him that I made a mistake and that maybe he should turn the car around so we could head the other direction and get some practice laps in before the race.

The next thing I know, the cars are gone and the stands are empty. I'm no longer in my car, but instead I'm walking around the empty track, picking up trash. It was dark, since it was the middle of the night, so it was a little bit creepy. There were a few other people working in the area, and I was watching them to see if they were watching me. It turns out that I wasn't really working for the cleanup crew, and that I was just picking up trash because I was trying to find good stuff that people lost earlier in the night.

In turn three I started finding the good stuff. People had left lots of CDs laying around on the ground and in the stands. I found a Billy Joel boxed set, a few Genesis CDs, as well as a Huey Lewis and The News collectors set. I gathered them up quickly, and acted as if I was going to turn them in to someone - just in case anyone was watching me - but I knew that I was really going to take my new-found booty home with me.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Bauman Hill Battle

I was hiding in some trees near the edge of the woods on the property that my family used to own on Bauman Hill. I was next to some military folks that were shooting downrange from us, apparently at an army that was advancing towards our position. Before I knew it, the people next to me were gone - leaving me hiding in the trees by myself.

As the other army approached, I could see that they were members of the Union army, as they were all wearing blue coats. I wasn't sure if they were coming to get me or not, so I did a quick turn and ran in the other direction before they were close enough to see me. I made it down to where the path begins that leads back to the cliff in the woods, and began running down towards it to take cover.

When I reached where the cliff would normally be, I found that a group of Amish people had actually built a little village down there, with their buildings and homes constructed out of the natural rock faces that were already there. They looked at me as I entered the area, but they didn't seem too concerned - so I just acted like I belonged there. Shortly after I arrived, they noticed the Union army coming down the path.

While I still think they were looking for me, they were also coming to this village in order to get something to eat. I hid behind a corner while they went by me and filed into a big dining area. Several of the Amish people were watching me, and I believe they knew that I was hiding from the army, but they didn't rat me out. After all of the Union army had made it into the building, I snuck out and headed as fast as I could back up the trail and out to where my friends were now waiting for me.

Jason Figgins and Nathan Carpenter were at the top of the trail, but they didn't have a vehicle with them. They were joking about how they got so drunk the night before that they forgot where all of our cars were parked. We walked down the road a ways and past a gas station, where we saw someone crash a Toyota MR2 into a big black truck. We thought that they were going to fight, so we avoided the gas station and continued to an apartment complex. (We were now in Lancaster, near Memorial Dr and Fair Ave)

We walked through this group of apartments, and it looked as if nobody was living in any of them. Jason was making a lot of noise, and I was still nervous that someone was going to find us and start shooting again, but it really did appear that nobody cared about us in that area. There was one apartment that was actually three stories tall, with the walls made almost completely of glass. Jason joked with me that he thought that it was abandoned, but once we got closer we could tell that someone was still living there. I was disappointed.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Raining Aluminum Siding

I was walking through a parking lot of some shopping center, when the weather turned cloudy and grim. I could see that the wind was picking up - and it began tossing debris around in the air, almost like a tornado. In the distance I could see things being pulled into the air, and they were coming in my direction. I kept watching these things flying through the air towards me, until suddenly one of the objects slammed into the pavement a few feet away from me.

It seems that aluminum siding was being ripped off of a building somewhere, and now those pieces of siding were being carried through the air and then shot down towards the ground with extreme force. The first piece came down and stuck in the pavement like an arrow shot out of a crossbow. I immediately realized how dangerous this was, and I began running to get out of the parking lot and under cover. The pieces started falling faster, shooting into the blacktop every few seconds. I dove underneath one of the parked cars, but then I heard one of the pieces of siding hit another car - and it went straight through the metal and lodged itself into the pavement just like the other pieces. I quickly scurried out from under the car and started running as fast as I could to get away.