Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I was attending a party in some old building, with Tabatha from work and Pam Gerun, one of my friends from back in high school. We were upstairs looking for people we knew whenwe came across big table full of brochures. Apparently this party was sponsored by a motorcycle dealership, as they had brochures for all of the new bikes that were being released this coming year.

We never found anyone that we knew, so Pam and I went outside to sit in the grass beside the house and talk. She was sitting in a papasan, and I was just sitting on the ground. Just then, a cougar came around the corner, as if it was stalking us. I told Pam to cover her head with a blanket, and she did that just in time so that the cougar didn't know she was sitting there.

I grabbed a blanket and covered up too, and was safe, but then I saw my cat walking towards me from the other direction and I had to get up to grab him and then we both hid back under the blanket. By this time though, the cougar had seen me and Kitty, and he started pawing at the blanket, knowing that we were under there.

He finally pulled the blanket back enough that he could stick his paw in. He pawed around for Kitty, but once he realized couldn't grab anything (he didn't have any claws) he got frustrated and left.