Sunday, April 03, 2005

Loose Lion

I was working in some random mall when a delivery arrived at the mall's entrance. The people delivering the packages apologized that they were late, but they wanted me to hurry and just sign for the package so they could be on their way.

I signed for a large box, and as soon as I was done with my signature, it opened up and a big lion came running out. The delivery guys (or anyone else, for that matter) weren't paying attention or even trying to stop this lion from getting out - and it ran through the doors and into the mall.

I ran into the mall, trying to catch this lion before it could hurt anyone. Surprisingly, nobody seemed concerned about this big lion walking around in the mall - so at least I didn't have to deal with people screaming and running around. I was able to get the lion into the nearby pet store, and once it was inside I began looking for the switches to drop the gate down in the front of the store. I couldn't find it myself, so I asked one of the cashiers behind the counter to do it - but she just stood there. To make her understand the need for speed in this matter, I picked up a baseball bat and smashed it on the counter in front of her - telling her that she needed to close the gate now.

This seemed to get her attention and she lowered the chain gate in front of the store, safely locking the lion away from the rest of the mall. Well, safely, except for all of the people that were shopping in the pet store at that time I guess.