Monday, June 23, 2008

Camping Trip

Me and some friends went on a camping trip, apparently somewhere down south, which included a boating trip. Well, not so much boating... but yeah... me and Matthew Lillard (Shaggy) were trying to talk Jeff Gordon into riding in the separated bed of a pickup truck, in this fast flowing river. Me and Matt had already taken a ride, but Jeff was being a baby and didn't wanna do it.

He finally jumped in after the peer-pressure got to him, and me and Matt started pushing him out into the rapids. We were supposed to hold on to the truck bed so that he didn't get away from us, but we just let him go and he wooshed away down the river and crashed into the front of someone's house that had been flooded out.

By the time that me and Shaggy had swam to that house to make sure he was okay, he was inside in the living room, talking to the old couple that lived there - bitching about how mean everyone was being to him. When we went in, he told us that at 9:00am the next morning he was gonna get in his car and go home.

I told him that he couldn't wuss out, because "You and me are kinda in the same boat... we race in Nascar, but we don't have that southern cred... we don't have a kewl accent like Sterling Marlin or something." (Apparently I was a driver as well *shrug*)

I don't know if we convinced him or not, but we ended up hiking along a railroad track into the country, and found a place with a bunch of big flat rocks where we could set up our gear and sleep. We first started to sleep ON the tracks, but then realized that was a bad idea and moved a few feet away from them.

When I woke up I was in a big hotel in Atlantic City, someplace where I used to work. I went in to the arcade and looked for my wallet, which I had stashed underneath one of the change machines. Once I found my wallet I went back out to the lobby with my friends so that I could ride this big sphere that went up and down in the middle of this multi-story open room.

After that I went to another arcade, and actually ran into the same kid that was in the other arcade when I found my wallet. I apologized to him for banging into him, and he was kewl about it.