Sunday, February 25, 2007

Balcony Collapse

I was on vacation someone with a couple of people I know, JJNova and Kamino. We were staying in some cheap ass hotel that was arranged kind of like a square, and it was about five or six stories tall. On the inside of the hotel was an open area where there were trees, a small pond, etc... giving that "outside" feeling.

In our room on the fourth floor we were unpacking our stuff, apparently getting ready for some sort of convention we were attending. Kamino was sitting by the window with his feet propped up on the heater, drinking some Woodchuck. JJNova kept wandering around the room like he didn't know where he was or what he was doing, until JJNova turned on his shitty little radio that he had with him. It was playing Morning Train by Sheena Easton.

I laughed at his radio, and told him to wait a minute until I grabbed by good boombox and tuned it to the same station. Once Sheena was playing louder and with better quality, JJNova perked up and started dancing around the room.

This was getting weird for me, so I grabbed a can of beer and headed out on the balcony where I had my camcorder set up as a webcam, watching all the people in the open area below. As soon as I went out there, the balcony began to shake and move, and my camcorder fell over the side.

Luckily the cable that connected it to my computer was strong enough that even though the camera fell over, it didn't hit the ground - instead just hanging a few floors down by the cable. Some woman in a balcony in the floor above ours looked down at me and at what was going on, and remarked "You better get off there, that balcony ain't safe!"

I looked over the balcony for another few seconds and agreed with her. It seems that our balcony was the only one made of planks of wood and rope to hold it up. The wood had become rotten and the ropes were just barely holding on.