Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dish Chickens

Genesee came home from work and dumped a bunch of eggs into some lukewarm bathwater. Within a few seconds, little chickens began hatching from all of them. When they came out of their shells, they had little hats, shoes, and aprons on - and the climbed to the edge of the tub and began washing little dishes that we had placed there.

This was amusing, but I didn't think it was right for us to make these baby chickens clean tiny dishes for our amusement, so I scooted them all back into the water. They'd swim around on top for a minute, then they'd plunk themselves under for a few seconds and then repeat the process.

After they swam around a while, I pulled the plug to let the water and broken shells out of the tub. I didn't notice it at the time, but when the water and shells drasined out, so did the baby chickens. :-( I heard a "thump, thump, thump" as they all slid down the drain. I started running some more water down there, and they actually used it to start swimming back up the drain pipe and into the bathtub - but when they came out the top, they were all dead. (And they had turned into numbered birthday cake candles... 1, 4, 8, and 3.) Weird.