Saturday, September 09, 2006

Iranian President

I was in the basement of Uncle Jay's house, and I was apparently being held there against my will by the president of Iran. He was out in the garage, in a makeshift office, and I was stuck in the stairway - kept there by little blue gumballs along the walls on the floor.

I got down on my hands and knees and began slowly approaching each of these little blue gumball traps, plucking the dark blue object off each one before it could alert anyone to my escape attempts. After getting past a few of them, he came in and saw what I was doing.

He laughed, noting that they weren't really motion detectors at all, and that he was impressed by my attempts to escape. I stood up and walked out into the garage with him and we started talking. He was expressing to me how frustrating it is that nobody takes him seriously, and that he was bothered by how his country was being ignored and neglected by the world.

We walked outside and he showed me the field next to the house, now damaged by some big flood. He said that he didn't mind that it happened, he just didn't like how nobody would step up and help them pay for or repair the damage.