Saturday, September 09, 2006

Flop House Girls

I was walking down a street in Lancaster when I came to the corner of 5th and High. I got a call on my cell phone from April, who was apparently right across the street at this gas station which had been turned into a flop house / day care center type place. I saw her, and she was smiling while she was giving me crap for not having gotten in touch with her lately.

I went in to this place and saw lots of people and kids hanging around. In one of the back rooms April and I ran into Angel, who was sitting on one of the couches. I sat down and started talking to her, not noticing that Ami was also laying on this couch underneath some blankets. When she popped out and made herself known, I started feeling weird that all these girls I once knew and hung out with all seemed to be in the same place at the same time.

I made some explanations about something, then made my way to the front door to leave. As I was going through the hallways, I passed lots of people standing in line to get someone's autograph... someone I didn't recognize. On my way out the door I saw another girl I once dated, sitting in the front room. She exclaimed... "You aren't doing anything today... why don't you let me come over and hit it?" *laugh* Apparently I wasn't interested, as I kept walking.